Welcome Statement


A common question visitors ask of our pastors and our members - is what we mean when we say, "You belong here." Do we mean them? Their family, neighbors, colleagues, and friends? We've learned through these conversations that belonging means different things to different people.

Throughout September and early October, Vine's leadership invited members and regular attendees to join in holy conversation around what we mean when we say "You Belong Here." Each week people shared, considered, prayed - and ultimately created the Welcome Statement draft below.

Now it's your turn. If you are part of Vine's worshipping community, we would love to hear from you. Does this statement reflect what you believe God wants us to say to our neighbors? What thoughts and/or edits do you want to suggest?

We invite you to click on the form at the bottom of this page to share your feedback by November 13. The Lead Team will faithfully consider the comments and suggested edits as they work to finalize a statement in the coming season.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Welcome Statement

Vine Church invites every person to connect to God
through Jesus Christ, grow in faith, and bear fruit
through service and love of neighbor. We strive to
unconditionally respect and love one another as we
share our faith journeys.

The Vine Church is a
gathering of people who:
- think church isn’t for them or who have been
hurt by the church and stayed away.
- have gone to church all their lives and are
looking for something new.
- have questions and want to learn and grow.
- seek community where friendship, belonging,
growth, and service happens.

We affirm, value, and support people of all ages,
genders, sexual orientations, races, national origins,
ethnic or cultural backgrounds, physical and mental
conditions, economic situation, appearances, as well
as all faith experiences or stages, personal histories,
marital statuses, family configurations, and

Everyone belongs at Vine Church.