What should I expect?
We’re so glad you’re thinking about spending part of your week with us! We know visiting a new church can be intimidating, but don’t worry – as our guest, you won’t be singled out or asked to raise your hand! The coffee is good – and it’s on us. Our band plays a few contemporary style songs, followed by a message from one of our pastors, and an invitation to communion and prayer. (Everyone is invited to join in communion. You do not need to be a member of this or any church to join us at Christ’s table.) The service lasts about 1 hour.

What should I wear?
Dress is generally casual at the Vine – though we welcome you to wear what is most comfortable for you. Come as you are and expect to feel right at home.

What’s church like for my kids?
We’ve crafted special, safe, and fun spaces for your kiddos and youth.
At 9:30AM Worship
Nursery is available for your youngest – and a special “Worship Tools” area in our Worship Center provides Pizza Box “Praise Packs” full of resources to help your kids worship, fidget toys, stuffed worship buddies, and art supplies so children & youth can express what they are experiencing in worship through creativity.
At 11:00AM Worship
Vine Kids is a special, safe, and fun space just for your kiddos. A unique worship and small group opportunity is available for children Kindergarten – 6th grades.
Vine Youth
Vine Youth provides a casual and fun space for youth to enjoy donuts (every week), laughter, friendship, and a healthy space to ask questions, share, learn, and grow.

Did you say coffee?
We did! We have café tables and comfy chairs in our worship space and we welcome you to bring your coffee in to worship with you! Our coffee bar offers free coffee ground and brewed fresh that morning using Equal Exchange coffee that is not only fair trade and sustainably sourced – but also supports independent farmers and families around the world.