Stretch & Sip
A unique worship experience for adults looking to engage their mind, body, spirit, and taste buds!
Sundays, 5PM
Join us each Sunday for a guided time of stretching, meditation, and mindfulness (think Yoga Church) – followed by a free mocktail and conversation!

Why call it worship?
Worship connects us to God and to each other.
At Stretch & Sip we Gather together as community, engage God’s Word through breath prayers, thoughts, and music, Respond with stretching and conversation in community, and we Go as people tuned in and cared for – thoughtful about the care of others.
We conclude the time with conversation and a free mocktail!

What happens at Stretch & Sip?
1. Gathering: We gather as community, center ourselves, and focus on our breathing and God’s presence before us, around us, and ahead of us.
2. The Word: Through guided practice, the Word is shared through brief meditation, movement, music, and prayer.
3. Response: We respond to God with our intent, our prayers, and an invitation to communion.
4. Sending: We center ourselves again, absorbing the love and freedom God offers us – and offering that love to the world.
Then we gather around the chairs, tables, and sofas to enjoy conversation, friendship, and a free mocktail!

Vine is a welcoming and inclusive congregation!
Drop in any Sunday. Bring a yoga mat – or borrow one of ours.
YOU Belong Here!
This is a FREE worship experience where all are welcome.
Free nursery provided for children infant – 3rd grade.