How You Can Serve
Our Church
Vine Based Serve Teams are a great way for you to use a bit of your time and talent to love and serve God and others. Our volunteer teams are what makes the Vine possible – and we welcome the opportunity to chat with you about ways for you to get involved! (6 Key Volunteer Leaders we’re looking for this spring have volunteer job descriptions HERE!)
Ready to serve? Let us know!
Our Community
The Vine partners with community organizations to engage in the work of loving God and neighbor through acts of justice, mercy, provision, and care. Bins in the Worship Center regularly collect items that support these ministries; to learn more, contact Pastor Katie.
Ways to Serve in Our Community

Food for Others
Vine’s Community Partner is an important part of Northern Virginia’s safety net for those needing food when an emergency strikes and for the growing number of working poor who need to supplement their inadequate food supplies. A collection bin in the Worship Center is available for your donation of shelf stable foods or reusable bags any time.

Stenwood Elementary School
Stenwood Elementary serves over 600 students – making space for not only education – but friendship, mentorship, special programs, activities, and more. More than 10% of their students receive free or reduced meals and services. The Vine supports special projects, teacher encouragement, and student support throughout the year. A bin in the Worship Center collects $5 Starbucks cards (used for teacher encouragement), and other special collections throughout the year.

Second Story
Second Story provides safe havens and opportunities to grow and thrive to youth experiencing homelessness and youth and families in crisis. A bin in the Worship Center collects individually wrapped snacks, hygiene items, and baby laundry detergent.

Project B-Green
Project B-Green collects in-kind donations on behalf of local charity partners and monetizes them to support their valuable missions. Your donations are tax-deductable and can be dropped off at the bin in our parking lot.

Equal Exchange
The Vine supports the UMCOR Coffee Project and Equal Exchange in supporting small farmers around the world. These farmers are paid above market prices for their crops, they are able to make investments in community projects, educational programs, and technical trainings. Donate to the cause at the jar on Vine’s coffee bar!