What is Dinner Church?
What is Dinner Church?

It’s dinner and church all at the same time. Think of a great dinner party – with a spiritual twist!

It’s not dinner – then church, or church – then dinner. It all happens at the table: food, conversation, & worship (which sometimes looks like music, poetry, scripture, art, or prayer).

Nursery & a children’s activity room are available. However, all ages are welcome at the table.

When does Dinner Church happen?
When does Dinner Church happen?

Quarterly 5th Sundays, 6PM

2024: September 29, December 29
2025: March 30, June 29, August 31, November 30

What's for dinner?
What's for dinner?

Each month is different! But we make sure we have gluten free & vegetarian options each time.
Meals are served “family style” around the table.